“Hong Kong is a busy, crowded city with many tall buildings, traffic jams and limited access to Hyperbaric Chambers, making the treatment of Carbon Monoxide (CO) Poisoning a real challenge. The ClearMate™, based on the science of Isocapnic Hyperpnea, is used for treating Carbon Monoxide Poisoning right at point of...
“The nëo™ aEEG and EEG monitor by ANT Neuro is an intuitive, high performance, easy to use solution to complement our existing Criticool hypothermia systems from Belmont Medical Technologies. This will provide critical brain health information for infants suffering from hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) as...
10 DECEMBER, 2020
Now is the Time to Be a Hong Kong Heart Hero; Act and Save a Life | 香港需要救心英雄 立即行動,拯救生命
Now is the Time to Be a Hong Kong Heart Hero; Act and Save a Life
Out-of-hospital sudden cardiac arrest kills about 5,000 Hong Kong people each year, if bystanders know CPR and can access a defibrillator, we could save more lives
Having already played a role in 100 documented life-saving rescues, Hong Kong&...
29 JUNE, 2020
Official Removal Notice
To address our needs for more space, we are pleased to inform you that with effect from 29th June 2020 (Monday), our office will be relocated to the following new address:
A1, 11/F, Roxy Industrial Centre, 58-66 Tai Lin Pai Road, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong, S.A.R.
Our telephone and facsimile numbers will...
25 FEBRUARY, 2020
Welcome Back – Head Office of Pacific Medical Systems Re-OPENS Today | Pacific Medical Systems總辦公室今日恢復正常服務
Pacific Medical Systems (PMS) office resumes its operation today (25 th February). We sincerely thank all our customers and business partners for their support and understanding in the past two weeks when we have to work from home as a precautionary measure against Coronavirus.
As updated in our last message, the previou...
18 FEBRUARY, 2020
Updates on the confirmed case of novel Coronavirus infection – case discharged | Pacific Medical Systems新型冠狀病毒感染確診個案最新消息—確診者已康復出院
Thank you for all your support and understanding on the precautions we took to temporarily close our office in the past week due to a confirmed case with one of our employees.
We are most pleased to inform you that the confirmed case was discharged from the hospital on 16th February 2020 (Sun) after being tested negati...
Pacific Medical Systems (PMS) was informed of a confirmed case of novel coronavirus infection on 9th February 2020 and we immediately made report to the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) that evening. The confirmed case is a PMS employee and he was infected at a private gathering. Between that and his hospitalization on 8th...
01 JANUARY, 2020
Medical Systems Limited (Hong Kong), signs exclusive distribution agreement with Deltex Medical Limited (UK).
Deltex Medical Limited (UK), is a global technology leader in the field of haemodynamic management. Its oesophageal Doppler monitoring (ODM) system is supported by an unparalleled number of Randomised Controlled Trials (RCTs) which confirm the clinical outcome benefits as well as its technological advantages over alternative...